目的 通过本研究确定 ,现有除尘设备是否还存在PM2 5复合污染。方法 通过化学、电子显微镜及电子能谱、GC MS等仪器对上述样品多种污染成分及粒径进行定性、定量测定。结果 上述复合污染成分 :水 2 2 % ,有机物 34 75 % ,无机物 4 3 75 %。无机物以Cu、C、Pb、Al为主 ,它们的粒径≤ 1 1μm ,有机污染物14 0多种 ,以酚类及PAHs为主 ,无机物中除铅、砷等重金属 ,还有砷酸、磷酸。结论 在现有除尘设备条件下的冶炼厂烟尘污染为多种重金属、酸性氧化物及几十种有机污染物 (酚类及PAHs)的复合污染 ,它们的粒径分布大多≤ 1 1μm。
Objective To detect whether there still have PM 2.5 compound contamination on the condition of dedust equipment through the study. Methods Both qualitative and quantitative analysis on the multiple contaminats and the praeticle radius of the sample were done by using chemical and electron microscope, electron spectrum, GC-MS, etc.Result The ingredient of the compound contamination: H 2O 22%, organics 34.75%, inorganics 43.75%. Main inorganics were Cu, C, Pb, Al, and most of their radius ≤1.1μm. There were over 140 kinds of organics, mainly the hydroxybenzene and PAHs. Besides heavy metals such as Pb, As, inorganics also included arsenic acid and phosphoric acid. Conclusion On the existing condition of existing dedust equipment, the compound contamination in aerosol of metallurgical plant were multiple kinds of heavy metals, acidic oxide and tens of kinds of organic contaminations (hydroxybenzene and PAHs), and their radius ≤1.1μm.
Journal of Hygiene Research
国家自然科学基金 (No.50 2 740 1 6)