This paper is a report of 42 patients who
suffered from intracranial meningiomas and
were treated by surgical removal. It also dis-
cusses some operative techniques. There were
20 males and 22 females ranging in age from
15 to 60. According to the standard classific-
ation of WHO, confirmed by surgery and pa-
thology, 6 cases were middle or small in size,
17 were large and 19 were huge. Nakedly to-
tal removal of tumors was acquir iedn 36
cases and subtotal removalwas acquired in 6 ca-
ses. All of them were under long-term follow
up from 6 moaths to 10 years with 5 years
as average. Among the cases, 9 recurred(4 we-
re malignant), 18 were restored to their nor-
mal life, and the remaining are yet suffering
in varying degrees from functional disorders.
Guangdong Medical Journal