
不可微预报系统的广义变分同化方法及数值试验 被引量:6

Generalized Variational Data Assimilation Method and Numerical Experiment for Non-Differential System
摘要  讨论了不可微预报系统中的广义变分同化方法· 对于不可微预报系统,由于不可微性,系统不存在切线性系统,而切线性系统的不存在,使得无法用通常的途径导出伴随系统· 引进不可微系统的弱形式后,可以不考虑切线性系统,而直接导出伴随系统· 主要就3种形式的问题展开了讨论,第1种为低维系统,第2种情形为高维系统整体观测资料。 The generalized variational data assimilation for non-differential dynamical systems is studied.There is no tangent linear model for non-differential systems and thus the general adjoint model can not be derived in the traditional way.The weak form of the original system was introduced, and then the generalized adjoint model was derived. The generalized variational data assimilation methods were developed for non-differential low dimensional system and non-differential high dimensional system with global and local observations. Furthermore, ideas in inverse problems are introduced to 4DVAR (Four-dimensional variational) of non-differential partial differential system with local observations.
出处 《应用数学和力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第10期1061-1066,共6页 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40075014 40175014)
关键词 变分同化 不可微系统 伴随方法 variational data assimilation non-differential system adjoint method
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