中西方对于“霸权”这一国际政治中重要现象的认识截然不同。从中国历史上的“王霸之辩”到当代的反对“霸权主义” ,中国强调“霸”这种行为的压迫性和非正义性 ,而西方的“霸权稳定论”以及葛兰西学派对霸权的再诠释 ,倾向于强调霸权的稳定功能和“基于同意的秩序” ,双方差异的焦点在于对霸权合法性的认识。中西不同的霸权观植根于双方不同的政治文化和话语体系及其背后的历史、文化、社会差异。本文通过对中西霸权观的比较 ,试图为中国外交的“反霸”
China and the West have different perceptions about hegemony.From“wang ba zhi bian”to“anti hegemony,”the Chinese emphasize the oppressive and unjust characteristics of hegemony.In the West, however, hegemonic stability theory and elaborations of hegemony by the Gramsci School approach hegemony in terms of stability and“order based on consensus.”The difference lies in an understanding of the legitimacy of hegemony.The different ideas about hegemony in China and the West are derived from their different political cultures and discourse systems,which are deeply rooted in historical,cultural,and social differences.This essay offers an ideational and social reflection of China's anti hegemony diplomacy through a comparative study of Chinese and Western ideas about hegemony.
World Economics and Politics