通过连续观测 ,比较了冬闲农田翻耕和不翻耕情况下甲烷 (CH4)和二氧化碳 (CO2 )的排放通量。结果表明 :翻耕能显著增加CO2 的排放通量 ,但这种影响只在翻耕后的 4d内较明显 ;翻耕对CH4排放通量的影响在翻耕后的 3d内比较明显 ,表现为翻耕初期导致CH4的峰值排放 ,而在 6~ 8h后 ,则对降低CH4的排放有一定的作用。且CH4和CO2 排放通量与气温呈显著正相关。
The difference of methane(CH_4) and carbon dioxide(CO_2) emission in winter fallow cropland under tillage and non-tillage condition were compared.The results showed that: tillage have a significant effect on increasing CO_2 emission flux in the first four days after tillage and on changing methane emission flux in three days after tillage.In the first 6 to 8 hours after tillage it has positive effect on CH_4 emission flux, but after that there is negative effect on CH_4 emission flux.In addition, the experiment also showed that CH_4 and CO_2 emission were positive correlated with air temperature significantly.
Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology
973项目中国陆地生态系统碳循环及其驱动机制研究 (2 0 0 2CB4 12 5 )