
质性比较专家与新手的物理问题解决过程 被引量:4

Qualitatively Analysis of Problem Solving in Physics between Expert and Novice
摘要 本实验致力于回答两个问题 :(1 )在何种任务限制下 ,专家表现出对新手的解题优势 ;(2 )可以采用何种实验手段 ,来细致刻画解题过程中运用的程序性知识 (“条件 -行动”)。本实验以物理学领域的“欧姆定律”为研究内容 ,采用专家 -新手比较范型 ,对被试的言语报告进行编码与分析 ,进而描绘了解题活动所依赖的“条件 -行动”关系 ,从中展现了专家解题相对于新手的整体优势。对这些优势的进一步个案分析表明 ,物理学解题专长的实质在于 :(1 )条件化操作 (从已知条件得出复杂关系 ) ;(2 )精致化知识 (比例公式与嵌套公式 )。 The experiment aims at answering two questions: (1) which characteristics of domain-specific task influence the advantages of expert over novice; (2)how to describe procedural knowledge in the problem-solving process (condition-action,CA).Choosing the Ohm Law in physics as research content,adopting expert-novice paradigm,encoding and analyzing subject's verbal reports,the experiment describes the relations of condition and action on which the problem-solving process is dependent,and exhibits the problem-solving superiority of expert over novice in the whole.The result of further case analysis of data from verbal analysis shows that the nature of problem solving in physics is conditional operation and elaborated knowledge.
作者 胡谊 吴庆麟
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2004年第3期12-17,共6页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
基金 华东师范大学"2 1 1"工程建设项目"认知过程与认知发展"子项目细化工作"专长的心理学研究及其教育含义"成果
关键词 专长 知识结构 问题解决 expertise,knowledge structure,problem solving
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