Two conclsions may be drawn on the calculation of Cr2O3 parameters from eight ultrabasic intrusions in northwestern China: (1) To a first approximation, a normal distribution of chromium can he established for chromite-free intrusions, while positive skewness is observed in chromite-bearing masses. (2) The greater the “metallogenetic coefficient” value (ρCr) of the ultrahasic intrusions the greater the potential of chromite deposits.
Two conclusions may be drawn on the calculation of Cr203 parameters from eight ultrabasic intrusions in northwestern China: (1) To a first approximation, a normal distribution of chromium can be established for chromite-free intrusions, while positive skewness is observed in cbromite-bearing masses. (2) The greater the 'metallogenetic coefficient' value (ρCr) of the ultrabasic intrusions the greater the potential of chro-mite deposits.