Two problems concerning petroleum and gas geochemistry are dealt with in thispaper. Firstly, a logarithmic normal distribution has been revealed with respect to organiccarbon and chloroform bituman A among dispersed organic matters in rocks on thebases of a large number of analysis data. A linear regression equation is then establi-shed relating log (A_(titumen)/C_(organic)) and log C_(organic) by means of statistical regres-sion analysis. Physical meanings are attached to the coefficients of this equation inthe light of a theoretical formula which fits well with the former in accordance withthe Mass action Rule. Percentage of A_(bitumen) transportation has been estimatedfrom these results using statistical approach, and its implications are discussed withregard to the evaluation of oil generating strata. A linear model is suggested withrespect to C_(organic) and A_(bitumen) which would provide more informations on oil strataevaluation. Secondly, multiple linear discriminant analysis has been carried out on Triassicand Permian gas strata using normal gas analysis data, leading to the establishment ofa linear equation with a probability of 88 percent. It is therefore apparent that gas bedcan be distinguished satisfactorily with the aid of discriminant analyis based on gasanalysis data. From this point of view, discrimnat analysis has won an advantage overexpensive instrumental analysis.