Tiermomagnetic measurements were conducted on 13 samples of Quaternary volcanic rocks of different episodes from three separate localities by Thellier's method.Paleointensities representing three Quaternary sub-periods have been obtained : 0.62 for early Pleistocene, 1.01 far middle Pleistocene and 1.57 for late Pleistocene as relative to today's magnetic field intensity. The results indicate that geomagnetic field intensity has been increasing since Pleistocene, and there exists a close relationship between the variations of paleeintensity and climatic fluctuations, i.e. the climate trends to become colder with increasing paleointensity and it is truc for the oppositc case.
Thermomagnetic measurements were conducted on 13 samples of Quaternary vol-canic rocks of different episodes from three separate localities by Thellier's method. Paleointensities representing three Quaternary sub-periods have been obtained: 0:62 for early Pleistocene, 1.01 for middle Pleistocene and 1.57 for late Pleistocene as relative to today's magnetic field intensity. The results indicate that geomagnetic field inten-sity has been increasing since Pleistocene, and there exists a close relationship between the variations of paleointensity and climatic fluctuations, i.e. the climate trends to become colder with increasing paleointensity and it is true for the opposite case.