Summing up the abundant experience obtained by the author through many years of his work in mineral separation, an inversion formula has been proposed for calculating the element content in a sample and thus the proportion of minerals containing those elements in the sample. In terms of this inversion formula, the proportion of associated minerals containing the analyzed elements in the sample can be worked out.Long-term practice has proved that if the elcments analyzed quantitatively excees the defined limits, it will be shown that there exist independent minerals in the analyzed sample, and in the opposite case, it may be indicated that there is no presence of such minerals. The element content mainly depends on the type, proportion and grain-size of host minerals. The approach highly sophisticates the traditional method, by which one can not only know the association relations of minerals, but also get sights into the relative proporthin of associated minerals, thus making a very big step in the study of mineral associations from qualitative to quantitative level.
Summing up the abundant experience obtained by the author through many years of his work in mineral separation, an inversion formula has been proposed for calculat-ing the element content in a sample and thus the proportion of minerals containing those elements in the sample. In terms of this inversion formula, the proportion of associated minerals containing the analyzed elements in the sample can be worked out. Long-term practice has proved that if the elements analyzed quantitatively excees the defined limits, it will be shown that there exist independent minerals in the analyzed sample, and in the opposite case, it may be indicated that there is no presence of such minerals. The element content mainly depends on the type, proportion and grain-size of host minerals.The approach highly sophisticates the traditional method, by which one can not only know the association relations of minerals, but also get sights into the relative propor-tion of associated minerals, thus making a very big step in the study of mineral associa-tions from qualitative to quantitative level.