Types and intrusion times of granitoid rocks in Southern Xizang have been distingui.shed by diseriminatory and cluster analyses. By means of regression analyses, we discussed quantitatively the correlations between trace and major elements and the characteristics of trace element evolution. The features of trace element distribution and evolution have been discussed as well. It has been indicated, that the granitoid recks of different periods are resulted from partial melting to various extents in the lower crust or in the upper crust.
Types and intrusion times of granitoid rocks in Southern Xizang have been distingui-shed by discriminatory and cluster analyses. By means of regression analyses, we discus-sed quantitatively the correlations between trace and major elements and the characteris-tics of trace element evolution. The features of trace element distribution and evolution have been discussed as well. It has been indicated that the granitoid rocks of different periods are resulted from partial melting to various extents in the lower crust or in the upper crust.