The chemistry of organo-clay in somc Tertiary clay-stones from the northern part of the South China Sea was studied. The preliminary results are summarized as follows : (1) Three basic types of organic matter are distinguished in the claystones after treated with different chemical agents: spluble, combined and insoluble (kerogen). It is suggested that the distribution of organic matter and its conversion to petroleum are closely related with the composition and structure of expansive clay minerals in the claystones. Therefore, more detailed studies of these expansive clay minerals may provide new indices for oil-generating potentiality. (2) It is considered from the study of the state of existence of organic matter and. of organo-clay complexes in tile clay-stones that the accumulation and preservation of organic substances may substantially take the form of organo-clay complexes in the process of sedimentation and burial and that the organo-clay complexes may make considerable contributions to the formation of petroleum hydrocarbons during diagenesis. Studies in this aspect are of great significance in developing new theories conccrning petroleum generation and in localizing oil-generating occurrences.
The chemistry of organo-clay in some Tertiary claystones from the northern partof the South China Sea was studied.The preliminary results are summarizedas follows:(1)Three basic types of organic matter are distinguished in the claystones aftertreated with different chemical agents:soluble,combined and insoluble(kerogen).Itis suggested that the distribution of organic matter and its conversion to petroleum areclosely related with the composition and structure of expansive clay minerals in theclaystones.Therefore,more detailed studies of these expansive clay minerals may pro-vide new indices for oil-generating potentiality.(2)It is considered from the study of the state of existence of organic matterand of organo-elay complexes in the clay-stones that the accumulation and preservationof organic substances may substantially take the form of organo-clay complexes in theprocess of sedimentation and burial and that the organo-clay complexes may make con.siderable contributions to the formation of petroleum hydrocarbons during diagenesis.Studies in this aspect are of great significance in developing new theories concern-ing petroleum generation and in localizing oil-generating occurrences.