total oil imports in China’s mainland will rise to about250 million tons per year within the next 10 to 15 years. Notonly imports of crude but also refined products and naphthawill all see a considerable and steady increase, providing anew round of development opportunities for China’spetroleum logistic service facilities. It is predicted thatChina will construct and expand a series of infrastructurefacilities for materials flow in the next 15 years, such asocean shipping service system, first-route receivingterminals for imported crude, pipeline network, statestockpiling facilities, corporate operational storage systems,the receiving and transferring facilities for imported refinedproducts and naphtha, as well as distribution systems for oilproducts and imported LNG, etc. The total investment forthese potential developments is expected as much as RMB100-200 billion yuan.T48
International Petroleum Economics