20世纪 90年代初可采储量 (文中储量皆指可采储量 )大于 1万亿立方米的巨型气田有 16个 ,最大的乌连戈依 (Urengoy)气田 8.0 5万亿立方米。 10年来巨型气田的数目、储量及占全球气储量的比例都有明显增加 ,其中俄罗斯占了较大的份额。 2 1世纪初巨型气田增至 2 2个 ,占全球气储量约 4 0 %。其中最大的北方—南帕尔斯(North -SouthPars)跨越卡塔尔和伊朗国界 ,储量 13.4 5万亿立方米 ,和占第 2位的乌连戈依气田 (储量 10 .2万亿立方米 )共约占世界储量的 14 % ;2~ 10万亿立方米的气田 10个 ,占世界储量的 18.4 %。已发现气田储量的持续增长 ,占巨型气田储量增长和世界天然气储量增长的重要份额 ,如乌连戈伊和北方气田增储分别为 2 .15万亿立方米和 8.4万亿立方米。上世纪 90年代发现的 76个大油气田中气的比例明显大于石油和凝析油 ,这个增长势头至少将持续到 2 0 2 0年左右。
There were 16 giant gas fields in the world by the early 1990's,each having recoverable reserves (the same below) of more than 1×10 12 m 3 and the largest Urengoy gas field 8.05×10 12 m 3.In the past 10 years,the number of the giant gas fields,their reserves and the proportion of the reserves to the global gas reserves had obviously increased,in which the Russia occupied a reatively large share.The number of the giant gas fields has increased to 22 at the beginning of this century and their reserves make up 40 percent of the global gas reserves,in which the sum total of the reserves (13.45×10 12 m 3) in the largest North-South Pars gas field extending across the national boundary between Qatar and Iran and the reserves (10.2×10 12 m 3) in the second-largest Urengoy gas field amounts to about 14 percent of the world gas reserves;and the total reserves in the 10 giant gas fields with reserves of (2—10)×10 12 m 3 account for 18.4 percent of the global gas reserves.The reserves in the gas fields found were continuously increased,in which the growth of the reserves in the giant gas fields occupied an important share in that of the gas reserves in the world.For example,the increased reserves in Urengoy gas field and North gas field were 2.15×10 12 m 3 and 8.4×10 12 m 3 respectively.The gas fields were obviously more than the oil fields and condensate fields in the 76 large oil/gas fields found in 1990's therefore,the natural gas growth trend will be sustained to about 2020 at least.
Natural Gas Industry
World wide, Natural gas, Large scale, Gas field, Reserve, Growth, Potential, Russia