研究了硫酸锌结晶水合物作催化剂 ,在优化条件下催化合成丙酸丁酯 .实验结果显示 :固定丙酸用量 0 .1mol,n(酸 ) =n(醇 ) =1∶1 .5 (mol/mo1 ) ,带水剂环已烷 1 0mL ,催化剂用量 1 .5 0g回流反应 4.0h ,产品收率可达 82 .0 %以上。
It was reported the synthesis of n-buyl propionate catalyzed by ZnS0 4·7H 20,in the presence of propionic acid and n-butano1.The experiment results showed that,based propionic acid 0.1mol,when the molar ratio of acid to alcohol was 1:1.5(mol/mo1),water-container 10ml,reaction time was.4.0h,the amount of catalyst was 1.50g,the yield of the product was over 82.0%.
Jiangxi Chemical Industry