近年来 ,我国一批重点大学 ,在创建世界一流大学过程中 ,对学科建设的理论研究重视不够 ,不论是在实践上 ,还是在认识上都存在着一些误区。这些误区主要有 :认为学科门类齐全就是学科布局合理 ;认为学科带头人的学术水平等于学科发展水平 ;认为科学研究水平等于学科发展水平 ;认为有钱就能搞好学科建设。对此 ,我们必须保持高度的警惕 ,并及时在理论上予以廓清。
In recent years,the theoretical research of subject construction is overlooked in a number of universities in the process of setting up worlds first class universities.There are some misleading areas not only in practice but also in ideology. The main misleading areas are: belief in setting up subjects as many as possible to be the reasonable composition of subject; belief in the academic capability of the leader of academic research group to be the subject development level;belief in the scientific research ability to be the subject development level;belief in enough finance for subject construction .Therefore, we should remain conscious and make it clear theoretically.
Modern University Education