
微创法单株自体毛囊移植胡须再造 被引量:1

Tiny-slit beard reconstruction by single-hair grafting technique
摘要 目的 探索应用微孔裂隙法单株毛囊移植进行胡须再植的临床效果。方法 2001年5月~2003年6月30例患者应用1~1.5 mm双刃宝石微孔裂隙刀行自体单株毛囊移植治疗胡须稀疏。其中,幼年性器官因外伤受损所致第二性征胡须稀疏者3例,内分泌发育正常而先天性胡须稀疏要求改善者18例,唇部细小疤痕所致的胡须散在稀疏者9例。结果 27例患者经过术后6~9个月的随访,单株毛囊微孔裂隙移植较单纯微小带发皮片移植具有术后恢复迅速,出血较少,外型逼真,移植体存活率高等特点。结论 应用单株毛囊微孔裂隙法再造胡须毛发易存活,手术安全,毛发外观改善极为自然,且恢复迅速,但在疤痕区可能尚需二次种植。 Objective To search a fine solution for aesthetic reconstruction of beard. Methods Under local anesthesia, a tiny scalp strip was harvested from the back of the head, near the hairline. Under 2. 5-4 times magnification, the strip was divided into a series of single-hair micrografts . As normal, we put 200 - 250 single-hair micro-grafts into upper-lip side for sparseness . After the micro-slits were made by1-1.5 mm 30°-45°sapphire knives in the recipient site, the micrografts were implanted into the holes with the Ohio's implanter, parallel to the original beard direction. Results From May 2001 to June 2002, 10 patients with beard sparseness, resulted from trauma of sexual organs or congenital loss, were treated by this one-session tiny operation. All of the patients were satisfied with the results except severe scar cases having second replant possibly. The grafted hairs grow nearly in the direction of normal beard, which achieve 90-95% survival in those area. The appearance of the tiny reconstructed beard was extremely natural, close to the normal one and quick recover, compared to the traditional methods. Conclusion The aboved mentioned technique is a fine, safe and effective method for beard tiny reconstruction with the appearance much closer to a normal one.
出处 《上海第二医科大学学报》 CSCD 2004年第7期565-567,共3页 Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Secondae Shanghai
关键词 微创法 单株自体毛囊移植 胡须再造 Chio氏植毛器 微孔裂隙法 single-hair micrograft beard reconstruction Chio's implanter tiny-silt
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