将含有间苯二甲酸双羟乙酯 5 磺酸钠(SIPE)这种具有吸湿性能的添加剂与聚酯共混纺丝制成系列共混异形聚酯纤维,其碱水解行为与传统的聚酯纤维有较大不同:纤维碱减量不仅受到添加剂含量的影响,而且在很大程度上受到纤维截面形状的影响,在相同碱处理条件下,由大到小的顺序分别为五叶型纤维、四叶中空纤维、圆中空纤维以及圆实心纤维,在有促进剂十六烷基三甲基氯化铵(CTAC)存在以及纤维截面因素情况下,纤维中添加剂含量对参与碱减量率的贡献程序受到一定的限制。另外从水分挥发试验情况来看,不同纤维挥发效率快慢顺序与碱处理顺序相似。
A blend modified cross-section polyester fiber are prepared by blend polyethylene terephalate and additive agaent which contain sodium-5-sulfobis (β-hydroxyethyl) isophthalate (SIPE) and has the properties of hygroscopicity. The alkaline hydrolysis behavior of this blend fiber differ from traditional polyester fiber: The weight loss of treating fiber not only under the influence of additive content, but also of the cross-section of blend fiber greatly. At the same alkali treatment condition, the normal order of weight loss affected by modified cross-section from high to low is that five-lobed solid fiber, four-lobed hollow fiber, circular hollow fiber and circular solide fiber. The effect of additive content on weight loss of blend fiber is limited by the modified cross-section and the presence of Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Chlorine (CTAC) in some extent. At the same time, from the experiment of water transmissibility, the fast-slowly order of modified cross-section fiber appears the same with weight loss of alkaline hydrolysis.
Synthetic Technology & Application