针对SL 6 819A型单滑道细纱上罗拉轴承结构存在的缺陷和在纺纱生产实践中所带来的某些问题 ,创新开发了双滑道轴承。通过增加O型橡胶密封圈等 ,增大了轴承的受力面积 ;改善了稳定性 ,减少了轴承径向跳动的差异和运行中的晃动现象。同时 ,也改善了轴承内壁的储油性能和漏油现象。能明显改善成纱条干均匀度 ,减少油污纱疵 。
The double slide bearing is developed by the fact that the there are some defects on the bearings of top rollers with single slide. The tension area isenlarged by the addition of rubber O shaped rings,consequently improving the stability ,reducing the radical vibration difference of bearings,markedly improving the spinning eveness,reducing the oily yarns,reducing the production cost.
Textile Accessories