目的 :将护士对患者的健康教育、心理护理等人文关怀作为护士工作的一项内容 ,形成制度 ,纳入护士工作流程 ,以保证此项工作的落实。方法 :用制度规范护士访谈工作内容、方式、记录方法及谈话的要求 ,使访谈工作有所遵循 ,并在临床科室实行 ,护理部定期检查了解 ,及时收集反映进行修改 ,使之切实可行。结果 :半年来全院共收住院人数 45 78,谈话次数 9167人次 ,使“以人为本”的理念得以体现 ,营造了人文关怀的氛围 ,达到深化整体护理 ,提高护理质量 ,推动护理改革的效果。
Objectives: To establish a new nursing management system that includes health education, psychological guidance and other humanistic care and to make sure the carrying out of this system. Methods: Standardize the styles, contents, recording and communication methods and make all these as regular guidelines in clinics. The nursing department examined the implementation and collected the responses to make improvement. Results: There were 4578 inpatients in the half past year and 9167 interviews were made by nurses among those patients. It reflected the theory of human-centered thinking, constructed the humanistic care atmosphere, strengthened the holistic nursing, improved the nursing quality and promoted the nursing innovation.
Chinese Nursing Management
广东省医学科研基金立项课题 (A2 0 0 4682 )