Let q 5 be a prime number. Let k d=() be a quadratic number field, where d =--gqq(1)2(1) ---qqqquwuq12((1)+). Then the class number of k is divisible by q for certain integers u,w. Conversely, assume W / k is an unramified cyclic extension of degree q (which implies the class number of k is divisible by q), and W is the splitting field of some irreducible trinomial f(X) = XqaXb with integer coefficients, k Df=(())with D(f) the discriminant of f(X). Then f(X) must be of the form f(X) = Xquq2wXuq1 in a cer-tain sense where u,w are certain integers. Therefore, k d=() with d =-----qqqqqquwuq(1)122(1)((1)+). Moreover, the above two results are both generalized for certain kinds of general polynomials.
Let q 5 be a prime number. Let k d=() be a quadratic number field, where d =--gqq(1)2(1) ---qqqquwuq12((1)+). Then the class number of k is divisible by q for certain integers u,w. Conversely, assume W / k is an unramified cyclic extension of degree q (which implies the class number of k is divisible by q), and W is the splitting field of some irreducible trinomial f(X) = XqaXb with integer coefficients, k Df=(())with D(f) the discriminant of f(X). Then f(X) must be of the form f(X) = Xquq2wXuq1 in a cer-tain sense where u,w are certain integers. Therefore, k d=() with d =-----qqqqqquwuq(1)122(1)((1)+). Moreover, the above two results are both generalized for certain kinds of general polynomials.
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.10071041)