以西林电桥为典型代表的传统电桥测量仪已越来越难以适应现场测量的需求。随着电子技术的发展,涌现出许多新型的自动介损测量仪,它们采用与传统测量方法有很大区别的“现代介质损耗测量技术”,即主要由电源技术、高压端信号取样隔离技术和信号变换处理技术 3 部分组成,本文将从这 3 个方面结合具体应用进行分析。
Traditional electric bridge instruments have been difficult to suit demands of field tests. Many new types ofautomatic measurement instruments have been developed quickly with improvements of electronic technologies. Theyadopt 'modern dielectric loss measurement technologies' which are mainly composed of three parts: power-supplytechnologies, signal sampling and isolating technologies of high-voltage terminals and signal conversion handlingtechnologies. This paper will give analyses and examples from the three aspects.