本文在研究通感的人类生理学共性的基础上 ,进一步探讨“通感词”的民族文化差异。首先是联想机制差异 ,通感生理现象虽属与生俱来的非条件反射 ,但不同民族的同一感官对同一外部刺激所引起的相似联想并非处处一致 ,往往受制于不同文化。再则 ,东、西方语言词汇形态迥异 ,西方语言的通感词以词义转移为主 ,而东方语言 (以汉语为代表 )则以复合为主 。
This paper makes a research into national and cultural differences in synaesthetic words on the basis of the study of the physiological universality in synaesthesia. First, there's difference in the associative network. The association of similarity, started by the same external stimulus to the same sense of different nations, may sometimes differ under the influence of different cultures though the synaesthetic physiological phenomenon belongs to the unconditioned reflex. Second, the eastern and western languages diverge greatly in morphology. The synaesthetic words in the western languages are created mostly through sense transfer while those in the eastern languages (e g Chinese) through compounding, including the compounding of word-formation and sense transfer.
Foreign Languages In Fujian