文学隐喻的理解可以分为两个步骤 ,首先是隐喻的辨认 ,然后是隐喻意义的推断。本文通过对中外文学作品中隐喻的探讨 ,试图诠释文学隐喻意义的理解过程实际上就是读者将隐喻中喻体的主要特征转移到本体上并由此重新认识本体的过程。这一认识过程也是一个审美过程。同时 ,语境信息、人类知识结构。
In literature metaphor understanding, there are two steps, i.e. recognition of metaphor and inference of metaphorical meaning. The process is one in which the reader transfers the main features of the reference to the tenor and perceives the tenor again accordingly. This is also an aesthetic process. Contexts, schematic features of human knowledge, culture and artistic conception determine our recognition and inference of metaphorical meaning in literature.
Foreign Languages In Fujian