
贵州腔蚓属蚯蚓一新种及一新亚种记述(单向蚓目:巨蚓科) 被引量:1

Notes on a new species and a new subspecies of the genus Metaphire from Guizhou Province,China(Haplotaxida:Megascolecidae)
摘要 本文记述了发现于贵州的腔蚓属蚯蚓一新种和一新亚种,即叠管腔蚓Metaphire ptychosiphona sp.nov.和秉前腔蚓江口新亚种Metaphirepraepinguis jiangkouensis subsp.nov.。新种及新亚种的模式标本分别采于绥阳宽阔水和江口梵净山。 The present paper reports one new species and one new subspecies of the genus Metaphire found in Guizhou Province, China. Type speci- mens are deposited ih Institute of Biology, Guizhou Academy of Sci- ences. Metaphire ptychosiphona sp. nov. (figs. 1) Length 196-295mm, diameter 6.0-9.0mm, segments 80-151. The first dorsal pore in 11/12. prostomium 1/2 epilobous. Clitellum in ⅩⅣ-ⅩⅥ, with some setae on its ventral side. Setae fine and close, evenly distributed. Setae numbers: 57-61/Ⅲ, 64-72/Ⅴ, 64-79/Ⅷ, 87-117/ⅩⅩ, 85-124/ⅩⅩⅤ; 27-31 (Ⅶ), 28-34(Ⅷ) betw- een spermathecal pores and 15-27(ⅩⅧ) between male pores. Male pore one pair, each situated in a rather shallow copulatory chamber on the ventro-lateral side of ⅩⅧ, about 1/3 of circumference ventrally apart. No papilla in or out of the copulatory chamber. Spermathecal pore three pairs in 6/7-8/9,each borded anteriorly and posteriorly by glandular lips, nearly 2/5 of circumference ventrally apart. No papilla in this region. Septa 8/9 membraneous, 9/10 absent. Caeca simple. Testis sacs two pairs, rather small, separated widely. Seminal vesicles in Ⅺ and Ⅻ, meeting dorsally. Diverticulum shorter than the main part, ental 3/5 twisted in close zigzag fashion. Holotype: GZ-Z00001 B_1, 196mm long, 9.0mm wide, 80 segments. setae numbers: 61/Ⅲ, 72/Ⅴ, 79/Ⅷ, 117/ⅩⅩ, 124/ⅩⅩⅤ; 31(Ⅶ), 34(Ⅷ) between spermathecal pores and 27(ⅩⅧ) between male pores, was col- lected from Kuan Kou Shui Forest Region (28°14′N, 107°09′E, Alt. 146m), Suiyang County, Guizhou Province on August 14, 1984. Para- type: GZ-Z00001B_2, GZ-Z00042D(4), five specimens, were collected at the same place as holotype on August 13-14, 1984. The present species is similar to Metaphire grahami (Gates 1935), but differs from the latter by the present of septa 8/9, the widely sepa- rated small testis sacs, the shallow and small copulatory chamber in or out of which no papilla and no papilla in spermathecal pore region. Metaphire praepinguis jiangkouensis subsp. nov. (figs. 2) Length 146-278mm, diameter 6.0-8.5mm, segments 89-131. The first dorsal pore in 12/13. Prostomium 1/2 epilobous. Clitellum in ⅩⅣ--ⅩⅥ, with some setae on its ventral side. Setae rather large in diameter before the segment of ⅩⅧ, close on the dorsal side and scattered on the ventral side. Setae fine and close behind the segment of ⅩⅧ, evenly distributed. Setae numbers: 35-38/Ⅲ, 42-48/Ⅴ, 52-62/Ⅷ, 74-78/ⅩⅩ, 75-82/ⅩⅩⅤ; 20-23(Ⅶ), 21-24(Ⅷ) between spermathecal pores and 21-24(ⅩⅧ) between male pores. Male pore one pair, each situated on a small flat papilla in the copulatory chamber formed by the lateral ridge of ⅩⅧ. There are 1-3 round or nephroid papillae in or out of the copulatory chamber close to the male papilla and two rows (about 23-29) of papillae on the ventral side of ⅩⅧ. Spermathecal pores in three pairs in 6/7-8/9, each borded anteriorly and posteriorly by glandular lips, about 2/5 of circumference ventrally apart. There are about 14 small papillae on the ventral side of Ⅶ-Ⅸ or 48 small papillae on the ventral sides of Ⅶ-Ⅻ Sometimes no papilla in this region. Septa 8/9 rather thick, 9/10 absent. Caeca simple.Testis sacs two pairs in Ⅹ and Ⅺ,communicated ventrally.Diverticulum shorter than the main part, ental of 1/2-2/3 twisted in zigzag fashion. Type specimens: GZ-T00117A(1), GZ-T00126A(1), GZ-T00139A(5), GZ-T00158B(1), GZ-T00161 A(1), nine specimens, were collected from Mt. Fanjin (27°53′N, 108°46′E, Alt. 2170-2240m), Jiangkou County, Guiz- hou Province. The new subspecies can be distinguished from the nominate subspe- cies Metaphire praepinguis praepinguis (Gates 1935) by the present of septa 8/9; the papillae in the copulatory chamber and on the surface of the body and the lacking of the pseudo-vesicles.
出处 《贵州科学》 1993年第1期38-44,共7页 Guizhou Science
关键词 单向蚓目 巨蚓科 腔蚓属 寡毛纲 Haplotaxide Megascolecidae Metaphire new species new subspecies
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  • 1钟远辉,马德.四川新陆栖寡毛类记述[J]动物分类学报,1979(03).
  • 2陈义,许智芳,杨潼,冯孝义.中国陆栖寡毛类几个新种的记述[J]动物学报,1975(01).











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