目的 调查微电子产品生产的工艺特点、作业人员接触职业病危害因素种类及浓(强)度,提出相应的控制措施。方法 对微电子产品生产的生产流程、职业病危害因素种类及现场检测的资料进行收集、整理与分析。结果 生产过程中涉及的各种化学物质、物理因素等职业病危害因素较多,化学物质中高毒类物品较多,如氨、磷化氢、氯化氢、氟化氢、硫化氢等,占47%;浓度虽都未超过职业接触限值,但个别物质如磷化氢、氯化氢、盐酸浓度与职业接触限值较为接近。物理因素测定某些操作工巡视作业点噪声强度达85dB(A)以上,最高达90dB(A);其余如新风量、换气次数、X射线、γ射线等测定结果均符合《工作场所有害因素职业接触限值》。结论 微电子产品生产中的职业危害问题应予以重视,采取有效的卫生防护和管理策略后是可以预防和控制的。
Objective To investigate the technical characteristics of microelectronic industry and the sorts and concentration (intensity) of occupational hazards in the workplaces, advise the reasonable control measures. Methods The data on technical characteristics and flow-chart of microelectronic products manufacture, and the data on used chemicals were collected. The selected hazards in the workplaces were measured. Results There were several chemical and physical hazards existed in the workplaces. The concentration of most common chemicals, such as ammonia, phosphine, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen sulfide, hydrochloric acid, was compliant with national exposure limits, but it was very close to the exposure limit values for phosphine, hydrogen chloride and hydrochloric acid. The noise intensity at some worksites, where worker often go for inspection, was as high as 80dB(A) and occasionally 90dB(A). The other physical hazards, such as X-ray and γ-ray, were controlled under the exposure limits. Fresh air volume and frequency of air exchange were up to par. Conclusion The occupational hazards in the microelectronic products manufacture should be cared and they can be controllable and preventable if the effective engineering measures and management measures are taken.
Occupational Health and Emergency Rescue
Microelectronic products, Occupational hazards, Monitoring at workplace, Control measures