目的预防、控制和消除作业场所职业病危害。方法 对某化工企业聚氯乙烯扩建工程进行了职业病危害卫生学评价。结 果 部分噪声作业点不合格,毒物、粉尘各作业点浓度均合格。结论 建设单位应立即整改,确保作业工人听力健康;职业病危害卫 生学评价对于保护作业人员的健康具有十分重要的现实意义。
Objective To control and prevent the occupational hazards in the workplaces. Methods The hygienic evaluation on the new rebuilt PVC project in a Chemical Company was carried out. Results The concentration of chemicals and dusts in all workplaces were compliant with the national exposure limit, but the noise level in some workplace were high and not compliant with the national standards. Conclusion In order to protect the hearing of exposed workers in this company, the appropriate measures should be taken.
Occupational Health and Emergency Rescue