先进的地铁信号及车辆系统 ,提供了列车再生制动的能力。论述了地铁列车制动系统提供的再生制动节能方式。在现有的条件下 ,通过合理编制运行图是提高再生能利用率的有效方法。介绍了提高再生能利用率的时刻表编制方法。按新运行图运营后 ,平均每日每列车公里可节约牵引用电 0 .95kWh。
The advanced signaling system and advanced rolling stock could provide the train with energy based on the regenerative breaker.In order to tap the latent regenerative power and reduce operating costs,it is necessary to study the regenerative brake of train.In the interest of reducing operating costs and enhancing benefit,the authors argue that one of the effective ways is to compile a reasonable train diagram and apply a software in metro system.
Urban Mass Transit