A passive mode-locked diode-pumped self-frequency-doubling Yb:YAB laser with a low modulation depth semiconductor saturable absorber mirror operating at 374 MHz is demonstrated. The measured pulse duration is 1.98 ps at the wavelength of 1044 nm. The maximum average power reaches 45 mW.
A passive mode-locked diode-pumped self-frequency-doubling Yb:YAB laser with a low modulation depth semiconductor saturable absorber mirror operating at 374 MHz is demonstrated. The measured pulse duration is 1.98 ps at the wavelength of 1044 nm. The maximum average power reaches 45 mW.
work was supported by the National Key Basic Research Special Foundation of China (No. G1999075201-2)
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 69978007, 60178008).