石灰粉煤灰土温缩性影响因素很多 ,对其具有较大影响的因素进行正交试验分析 ,可确定石灰粉煤灰土温缩性的最敏感和较敏感因素 ,从而在石灰粉煤灰土组成设计和施工过程中更加有针对性的进行控制。最后的极差分析和方差分析都表明 :温度是二灰土温缩性的显著影响因素 ,粉煤灰用量是其较显著性因素 ,而石灰用量的影响不是很明显。其结果对二灰土基层材料的组成设计和施工、如何减少温缩裂缝具有一定的参考价值。
There are severalfactors influencingthe thermo-contractioncharacter of lime flyash stabilized soil. This paper analyses such factors with orthogonal experiment design method. The resultof range analysis and variance analysis in that experiment shows that temperature and cost of flyash are the dominant sensitivity factors which affect its thermo-contractioncharacter. However lime-cost is not . Such discovery does good to how to do lime flyash stabilized soil's mix designing and constructing . It also directs us how to decrease numbers of thermo-contraction crack.
Liaoning Communication Science and Technology