目的 :总结 12例新生儿先天性心脏病的外科治疗经验。方法 :12例先天性心脏病新生儿 ,年龄 4~ 15d ,体重 2 .5~ 4 .2kg ,其中 ,完全性大动脉转位 (TGA) 4例 ,法乐氏四联症 (TOF) 2例 ,单心室 (SV) 1例 ,完全性房室管畸形 (ECD) 1例 ,肺动脉闭锁 (PAD) 1例 ,右位心三尖瓣闭锁 (TVD) 1例 ,室间隔缺损 (VSD)合并房间隔缺损 (ASD) 2例 ;均在低温体外循环下行一期矫治术。结果 :存活 10例 (83.3% ) ,死亡 2例 (16 .7% )。结论 :新生儿心脏手术麻醉 ,体外循环要平稳 ,手术操作要精细 ,手术成功的关键是畸形纠正满意及良好的心肌和肺保护。
Objective:To review the experience of the surgical treatment of congenital heart diseases in 12 newborns.Method: 12 newborns were operated on for various congenital heart diseases.There were 10 males and 2 females. Their ages ranged from 4 to 15 (mean ages 7.4~2.9) days, the body weights were 2.2~4.5(mean 3.1~1.2)kg.12 newborns were operated on for various cardiac anomalies under hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass. Result: The operative mortality was 2(16.7%) cases.10(83.3%) cases all alive .Conclusion: The congenital heart disease in newborns should be diagnosed as early as possible. The early surgical intervention is satisfactory. It is important that well protection for myocardial protection and pulmonary.
Hebei Medicine