目的 :探讨无症状性脑梗塞 (SBI)的临床特征。方法 :对我院 1994年至 2 0 0 4年住院的5 33例脑梗塞患者进行回顾性分析 ,确认有梗塞灶无卒中症状者 (4 7例 ,SI组 ) ,有卒中症状或卒中史而影像学检查发现无关梗塞灶者 (10 6例 ,SSI组 ) ,对两组的临床表现、影像学特点、发病率和危险因素进行分析。结果 :SBI的发病率为 2 9.7% (15 3/ 5 33) ,其中基底节区、额叶及顶叶、颞叶为好发部位。两组间的危险因素类似 ,以高血压最高 ,而SSI组中 ,女性糖尿病的发病率较男性高 (p <0 .0 5 ) ,而高血脂的发病率则较男性低 (p <0 .0 5 )。结论 :SBI是一种常见的脑血管疾病 ,应引起足够重视。
Objective: To explore the clinical features of silent brain infarct (SBI). Method: 533 patients with brain infarct were analysed retrospectively during 1994~2004.153 patients were affirmed.There were 47 cases with silent infarct,106 cases with SSI.The clinical features, imaging characteristic,occurrence rate and risk factors were campared between the SI group and SSI group.Result: The frequency of SBI was 29.7%(153/533).Basal ganglion,fontal lobe,parietal lobe,temporal lobe were the most common positions.the risk factors between the SI group and SSI group were similar,and hypertension is the most frequent in all risk factors.In SSI group,the rate of diabet mellitus (DM) in female is significantly higher than the rate in male(p<0.05),while the rate of the hyperlipidemia in femal is significantly lower in contrast to male(p<0.05).Conlusion: SBI is one of the most common ischemic cerebralvascular infarct and should be taken into accounted sufficiently.
Hebei Medicine