针对平面零件各截面形状相同的特点 ,利用其平面影像 ,通过VisualBasic .NET编程分析处理 ,在AutoCAD中反求得到其三维实体模型 .以盘形凸轮为例 ,具体阐述了编程的思路和技巧及其应用 ,并给出关键程序代码 .该方法同样适用于其它类似的各截面形状相同的平面零件 。
Considering that every sectional form of the planar parts is alike,their3D solid models can be made by antiˉprocessing their scanned images with the help of VB.net programming.The paper takes plate cam as an example to illusˉtrate how to program,the key procedure codes having been provided.This method is valuable in that it can be applied to other similar planar parts with the same sectional form.
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Technology(Natural Science Edition)