Because of the dilemma of resources allocation in China's industry development, it is particular important for the country to utilize resources reasonably and effectively in order to obtain a concerted development.First of all, it is suggested to control both the demand and investment efficiency to realize appropriate expansion of the classic industries. Simply speaking, investment is saved in classic industry to meet the thirsty demand in Hi-Tech industry development.Secondly. efforts should be made to ptomote the transfer from classic industry to hi-tech industry. At present. newly-set hi-tech industries usually draw greater emphasis than those transformed or penetrated from classic ones. Incentive policies should encourage such transfer.Priority should be also put on the development of enfant hi-tech industries. The government could expand market for enfant hi-tech industries by means of administrative, economic. legal, and other methods so as to help the hi-tech products to substitute classic ones.
Journal of International Economic Cooperation