Jiangsu is one of the economically and scientifically developed coastal provinces in China, but it is also faced up with surplus supply of labor. Labor service export has played an important role in the province's foreign trade and economic cooperation performance.To improve this work. the macro administration and conccntraicd management at provincial level should be strengthened. In addition, a complete administration system for foreign contracting labor business should be established. In the process of expanding labor service export business, laws and regulations should be revised and improved in light of the new situation which include distribution system.The key to expand the province's labor export business lies mainly in the following aspects in addition to the above-mentioned ones. First of all. the state could provide incentive measures to aid the enterprises to solve the problems such as financial shortage, taxes deduction and exempt, foreign exchange reservation, etc. Among the other means are vocational training, information collection and research, and encouraging township enterprises to export more qualified labor.
Journal of International Economic Cooperation