给出了基于 PSD(position sensing detector)传感器的弯曲度测量系统的基本硬件结构。分析了电路系统引起的系统误差和随机误差,提出了采用内插、曲线拟合、动态调零等技术消除电路部分系统误差及采用滤波抑制随机误差的处理方法。分析了机械系统由于机械加工、机械装配引起的系统误差,建立了误差模型,提出了通过最小二乘法求解误差参数和修正测量结果的误差处理方法。
The hardware configuration of the bending test system based on PSD(position sensing detec- tor)is presented in the paper.The system error and stochastic error brought by the circuit system are analyzed.Method of eliminating circuit system error based on the technique of interpolating,curve fit- ting and dynamic zeroing is given as well as the method of restraining the stochastic error based on the filtering technique.On the base of detailed analysis of system error introduced by the machining and mechanical assembling,the error model is established.The error correction of the measuring result is made by computing the error parameters through LSM.
Journal of Gun Launch & Control