

The use of first polar bodies for preimplantation genetic diagnosis
摘要 目的 :建立采用第一极体植入前染色体非整倍体诊断的方法。方法 :取试管婴儿后的未受精卵细胞 ,激光打孔法行第一极体活检 ,固定后行多色荧光原位杂交 (FISH) ,分析极体中 13,16 ,18,2 1和 2 2号染色体的核型情况。结果 :活检成功率为 94 .7% ,FISH成功率为 86 .7% ,6 1.5 %的极体核型正常 ,38.5 %的极体为非整倍体。结论 Objective:To establish the method of preimplantation genetic diagnosis(PGD) by use of first polar bodies.Methods:The first polar bodies were taken out from unfertilized oocytes after IVF by laser assisted biopsy method. After fixation, chromosome 13,16,18,21 and 22 were analyzed in the first polar bodies by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).Results:The successful biopsy and FISH rate were 94.7% and 86.7% respectively. 61.5% of the first polar bodies was found to be normal, 38.5% was aneuploidy.Conclusion:Laser assisted biopsy combined with FISH is a quick and effective method to detect aneuploidies in first polar bodies.
出处 《现代妇产科进展》 CSCD 2004年第5期333-335,共3页 Progress in Obstetrics and Gynecology
关键词 卵细胞 第一极体 染色体 非整倍性 植入前诊断 原位杂交 荧光 Oocytes First polar body Chromosomes,human Aneuploidy Preimplantation genetic diagnosis In situ hybridization,fluorescence
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