
口腔生物膜体外模型的建立和应用评估 被引量:5

The validating and evaluating of the in vitro biofilm model
摘要 目的 :通过建立体外生物膜模型 ,模拟口腔内生态环境以探索生物膜在龋病发生发展中的作用。方法 :利用发酵罐与恒流培养室的组合构建简易的体外生物膜模型 ,通过恒流培养室内液体培养基连续的流动循环 ,模拟出口腔内液体持续冲刷的生态环境。在羟磷灰石片上定植 4种口腔常驻菌 ,以形成实验性生物膜 ,并通过每 1 2h定时给以蔗糖底物 ,模拟致龋环境 ,观察系统中实验菌CFU计数、pH动态变化等各项反应及不同环境下所形成生物膜的微结构变化。结果 :本研究建立的系统能较好的控制各项实验参数 ,加入蔗糖底物后表现出明显的致龋反应。结论 :本组建立的体外模型有着良好的可靠性与可重复性 ,可用于对口腔生物膜的各项体外研究。 AIM:To validate an in vitro model for the analysis of ecological role of biofilm.METHODS:A biofilm model was constructed with the combination of a fermental vessel and a series flow cells.With continuous biofilm media circulation in the flow cell,the ecological environment was simulated as saliva flush in the oral cavity.A four-organism bacterial consortium was grown on hydroxyapatite (HA) discs in the flow cells and exposed to repeated sucrose pulsing every 12 hours.During the experiment,the pH responses against the pulses were recorded.After 72 hours,with 6 pulses,the population on the biofilm was enumerated and the biofilm microstructure was observed with the scan electron microscope.RESULTS:The in vitro model had been validated for the analysis of ecological response to sucrose challenges in bacterial populations.CONCLSUION:The model presented here has good reliability and reproducibility, and can be used for the further study of cariology.
出处 《牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志》 CAS 2004年第9期481-484,共4页 Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 30 1 71 1 75 ) 四川省教育厅国际合作项目基金 ( 41 30 2 0 )
关键词 生物膜体外模型 恒流培养室 生物膜 in vitro biofilm model flow cell biofilm
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