随着社会的不断发展 ,体育的公关效能表现得越来越突出 ,同时体育活动和运动竞赛中 ,礼仪已越来越重要。目前我国体育专业开设现代礼仪学选修课的学校并不多 ,而体育专业类学生踏入社会无论从事体育教学、运动训练和社会体育工作 ,还是从事其他相关工作都离不开最基本的礼仪 ,体育类学生学习现代礼仪学是势在必行 ,意义重大。
The author discusses the necessity and significance of this course in this article. With the development of our society, etiquettes play an more and more important role in all kinds of sports activities. So far few colleges has offered modern etiquettes as an optional course in the major of physical culture; but whatever they will do, the graduates of this major need to know something about modern etiquettes.
Journal of Physical Education Institute of Shanxi Teachers University