目的 探讨平衡眼眶减压术治疗甲状腺相关眼病的疗效和手术方法。方法 采用内外壁眼眶减压术治疗2 0例 3 5眼甲状腺相关眼病患者。术后随访平均 14个月。观察术后视力、眼球突出度和眼球运动等情况。结果 2 0例3 5眼中除 1例行眶外壁减压外 ,其余均行内外壁平衡眼眶减压术。眼球突出度缓解 3~ 11mm ,其中 3~ 4mm者 5眼 ,5~9mm者 2 8眼 ,10~ 11mm者 2眼 ,平均 6 3 2mm。视力从术前数指提高至 0 1者 6眼 ,提高 2行以上者 8眼 ,无变化 2 1眼。术后眼球运动明显好转者 9眼 ,运动障碍加重 2眼。无视力丧失及术后感染。
Objective To evaluate the effectiveness and surgical skill of balanced orbital decompression for thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy. Methods Thirty-five eyes with thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy were followed for an average of 14 months after balanced orbital decompression. Results Thirty-four eyes with thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy received balanced orbital decompression via orbital internal and external wall,and 1 case(1 eye) for only external orbital wall decompression.Exophthamos lessen by a mean of 6.3 mm following operation.Vision acuity was improved in 14 eyes and unchanged in 21 eyes.No visual loss and infection was found during the follow-up period. Conclusion Balanced orbital decompression is an effective method for thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy.
Chinese Ophthalmic Research