具有千年以上历史的古典诗词吟诵音乐 ,在 2 0世纪里发生了一系列的嬗变 ,其主脉络是“读”—“吟”—“唱” ,与之相辅相成的 ,还有其它诸多方面的变化 ,“五四”以来中国社会各方面的变革和西洋音乐的传入 ,是吟诵音乐发生嬗变的根本原因。文章呼吁保护吟诵音乐 。
The recitative music of ancient poem who has thousand years of history has greatly evolved during the 20th century. It's main venation are “reading”-“recite”-“singing”, also with other variations. The essential reason of this evolution is the social development and the influence of the western music since the May 4th movement of 1919. The article calls on the protection for the recitative music and also brings out some problems during the succession.
Journal of Tianjin Conservatory of Music