目的 改进硝酸甘油贴片释放度的检查方法。方法 采用网碟法及HPLC法测定释放度,用C18色谱柱,以乙腈-水(5 0∶5 0)为流动相,检测波长为 2 15nm。结果与结论 本方法药物溶出均匀,操作方便,重现性好。
Objective To improve the dissolution test of Nitroglycerin Patches.Methods Cell methods and HPLC were carried out on the dissolution test of Nitroglycerin Patches.C 18column,mobile phase of acetonitrile-water(50∶50) and the detection wavelength of 215nm were used.Results and Conlusion This method is simple,reproducible and applicable to test the dissolution of Nitroglycerin Patches
qilu pharmaceutical affairs