阐明了几种微量元素在人体内某些部位的含量变化及其对神经系统产生的影响 ,以及与阿尔茨海默病 (老年性痴呆病 ,AD)临床症状的关系。研究表明 ,一些AD发病机制诸如突触及神经元的丢失、细胞内神经原的缠结和细胞外的老年斑等 ,与病人体内某些微量元素含量的异常密切相关 ,而且影响机制复杂 ,途径多样。探明微量元素的作用机制 。
A review with 25 references is given on the relationship between several trace elements and Alzheimer's disease including the change of the concentration of several trace elements in some parts of the body,and how this change influences nervous system,what happened in the process,and those questions that still needs to further investigate.Moreover try to find out some new ways in situ to detect the concentration of the element.The conclusion is that some mechanism of Alzheimer's disease,for example,neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques,are concerned with the abnormity of the concentration of several trace elements in some parts of the body,the mechanism is very complex and there are many ways to conduce the occurrence of the disease.
Trace Elements Science
中国科学院知识创新工程项目 (KZCX2 SW 118
KZCX SW 12 0 )
国家科技部基础研究重大项目(2 0 0 1CCB0 0 10 0 )资助