

DC Link Topology of Cascaded Aircraft Static Inverter
摘要 基于级联技术的新型航空静止变流器的效率主要取决于其直流变换环节 ,针对低压大电流应用 ,推挽正激变换器具有防止开关管的电压尖峰和抑制变压器偏磁等特点 ,本文详细分析了推挽正激变换器的工作原理 ,对比研究了该变换器的三种次级整流结构 ,比较了各自的优缺点。实验表明 ,采用全波整流的推挽正激变换器效率可以达到 89%以上 ,为新型航空静止变流器效率超过 85 %奠定了基础。 The efficiency of a novel aircraft static inverter based on the cascaded inverter is mainly decided by its DC link. The push-pull forwa rd converter has the advantages of preventing the high voltage spike of the swit ches and restraining magnetism deflection of the transformer in low-voltage hig h-current situation. This paper analyzes the principle of push-pull forward co nverter, contrastively studies, three secondary-side rectifier topologies and c ompares the advantages and disadvantages. Finally, experimental results show tha t the efficiency of push-pull forward converter with full-wave rectifier is ov er 89%, and the efficiency of the novel aircraft static inverter is over 85%.
作者 李飞 谢少军
出处 《南京航空航天大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期584-588,共5页 Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics
基金 航空科学基金 ( 0 2 C5 2 0 0 9)资助项目
关键词 静止变流器 推挽正激变换器 全桥整流 全波整流 倍流整流 static inverter push-pull forward converter f ull-bridge rectifier full-wave rectifier current-doubler rectifier
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