

The Ideal of Teachers' Colleges for Improving Countryside's Teachers Courses Education
摘要 我国基础教育的重点在农村,基础教育的关键是课程改革,要搞好农村基础教育课程改革,就必须关注培养农村师资的师范院校。师范院校的课程改革直接影响着农村基础教育的课程改革、农村基础教育课程改革对教师的要求、师范院校教师教育课程设置的理念、师范院校如何面向农村基础教育培养一专多能的复合型教师。 Our country's fundamental education emphasis is the countryside,and the key to fundamental education renovation is curriculum renovation. To improve it,we must emphasize the Teachers colleges that improve countryside teachers the renovation of colleges courses, affects countryside the renovation of countryside fundamental education, requirement to teachers, the ideal of curriculum assignment, and how to improve teacher' s quality for countries in Teachers' Colleges.
作者 李胜芳
出处 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2004年第10期107-109,共3页 Journal of Nanyang Normal University
关键词 农村 教师教育 课程 countryside teachers' education courses
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