中国石油独山子石化分公司乙烯厂乙烯装置脱甲烷系统在扩建前塔顶气相中乙烯损失在(5 0 0~ 10 0 0 )× 10 -6,而经过 2 2 0kt/a的乙烯改扩建后 ,其塔顶气相乙烯损失高达 2 %~ 5 %。经过技术分析 ,找到了问题的根源 ,并最终确定了改进料位置 /更换塔盘的改造方案。该方案在 2 0 0 3年小修中实施后 ,其塔顶气相中的乙烯损失降至 5 0 0× 10 -6左右。
For Dushanzi's ethylene plant, before expansion, the ethylene loss at the top of the demethanizer was 1000×10 -6 . After its expansion to 220kt/a, the ethylene loss was up to 2%~5%. The reason for the high loss had been found through technical analysis, and innovation plan has been determined, including changing the feed position and replacing the trays. After that in 2003,the ethylene loss in gas phase at the top of the tower has been reduced to about 500×10 -6 .
Ethylene Industry