目的常规体外受精与胚胎移植辅助生殖技术在治疗男性少、弱、畸精症和无精症时 ,常因受精障碍而失败。本研究对采用卵胞浆内单精子显微注射技术治疗男性不育的临床效果进行分析。方法采用常规超排卵方案 ,在B超引导下经阴道取卵 ,取新鲜精液或附睾睾丸取精 ,对MⅡ期成熟卵进行单精子显微注射。结果 12 7个周期取 114 2个MⅡ期成熟卵进行单精子显微注射 ,受精率为 75 % ,卵裂率为 96 % ,临床妊娠率 33%。结论卵胞浆内单精子显微注射技术是治疗男性不育的有效方法。
Objective To investigate the clinical effects of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) on treating male infertility. Methods Standardized ovarian stimulation protocol, and transvaginal ultrasound-guided oocyte retrieval were adapted. Metaphase-II oocytes were micro-injected with sperm in ejaculate or epididiymal sperm, or testicular sperm. Results In total of 127 cycles, 1 142 metaphase-II oocytes were micro-injected. Fertilization rate 75%, egg cleavage rate 96%, clinical pregnancy rate 33%.Conclusion ICSI is an efficient technique for treating male infertility.
Guizhou Medical Journal