本文先对Shindo等提出的关于多组分气体混合物通过单级膜渗透进行分离的计算方法作了适当修正,使之能应用于易凝气体。再以气体透过有机硅聚砜复合膜时的透过系数为基准,在IBM 计算机上交替使用牛顿法和四阶龙格一库塔法计算了各种操作参数对膜法富氧的影响。结果表明;富氧浓度Yo_2与相对湿度H 的关系总呈“V”形,而冷凝水分率W*与H 的关率总呈“(?)”形,渗透侧压力P_1、流体产率FY 对Yo_2的影响较大;对W*的影响更大,而且还受H 的影响,操作温度t 越高,H 对Yo_2、W*的影响越明显。这可为今后富氧膜的应用提供参考。
In this paper,the effects of operating parameters on the oxygen enri-chment in membrane processes with Newton method and fourth orderRunge—Kutta methods alternately using an IBM computer were studied,by correcting calculation method presented by Shindo et al.For thesingle—stage permeation of a multicomponent gas mixture with cross flowand on the basis of the permeability coefficients of silicone-polysulfonecomposite membrane for H_2O,O_2,N_2.The results showed that the rela-tionship between the oxygen concentration yo_2 and the relative humidity Hwas always in the shape of “V” and the fraction of the condensed waterW~* and H was “(?)”.The effect of the pressure of the permeate stream P_1and the fluid yield FY on Yo_2 were great and onW~* were greater,and theeffect of H on W~* was also greater in many cases.The higher the operatingtemperature,the lower the value of yo_2 and the higher the value of W~*.This paper will be a reference for the application of membrane oxygenenrichment in future.
Membrane Science and Technology