1Jean -Pierre Birat, Louis Rocchia -arcelor,Michel Tuchman-Arcelor Sollac. Ecodesign of Automobiles Based on the Environmental Properties of Body Materials [ J ]. SAE Paper, 2004-01-0250.
2Edwin Kwan Lap Tam,Lawrence Jekel. Separation and Liberation Factors in Designing for Automotive Materials Recovery [ J ]. SAE Paper, 2004-01-0471.
3Gerald R. Winslow - KBS Consulting Engineering,Claudia Mettler Duranceau,Candace Sue Wheeler,Ronald L Williams,Nakia Simon,Bassam J Jody,Edward J Daniels,Michael M Fisher. Advanced Separation of Plastics From Shredder Residue [J].SAE Paper, 2004-01-0469.
4Frank E Mark,Axel Kamprath. End-Of-Life Vehicles Recovery and Recycling Polyurethane Seat Cushion Recycling Options Analysis[J]. SAE Paper,2004-01-0249.
5Boris Bronfin, Eli Aghion,Nicolas Fantetti,Frank Von Buch, Soenke Schumann, Horst Friedrich. High Temperature Mg-Alloys for Sand and Permanent Mold Casting Applications[J]. SAE Paper,2004-01-0656.
6Pierre Labelle, Eric Baril,Andreas Fischersworring-Bunk. AJ (Mg-AI-Sr) Alloy Used for a New Engine Block [J]. SAE Paper,2004-01-0659.
7Peter Vert, Xiao Ping Niu, Eli Aghion, Alexander Stickler, Wieslaw Zaton. Comparative Evaluation of Automotive Oil Pans Fabricated by Creep Resistant Magnesium Alloy and Aluminum Alloy[J]. SAE Paper,2004-01-0658.
8Alan P,Drusehitz,Erie Showalter. Evaluation of High Temperature, Cast Magnesium Alloy, Front Engine Covers[J]. SAE Paper,2004-01-0657.
9Per Bakke, Hakon Westengen,Darryl L. Albright.Powertrain Components-Opportunities for the Die Cast AE Family of Alloys[J]. SAE Paper,2004-01-0655.
10Bob R Powell,Larry Ouimet,John E Allison,Joy Adair Hines,Randy S Beals,Lawrence Kopka,Peter P.Ried,Ried :Progress Toward a Magnesium-Intensive Engine :The USAMP Magnesium Powertrain Cast Components Project [J ].SAE Paper, 2004-01-0654.