
博宁(帕米膦酸二钠)治疗骨肿瘤及骨病性疼痛的临床观察 被引量:4

Clinical observation of pain relieve with Pamidronate in the treatment of pain caused by bone tumor and osteopathies
摘要 目的 本文对博宁 (帕米膦酸二钠 )在治疗骨肿瘤及骨病性疼痛的疗效方面进行临床观察。方法 自 2 0 0 3年 3月~ 2 0 0 4年 3月 ,应用博宁静脉输入治疗患者 3 8例 :恶性骨肿瘤 1 2例 ,其中包括脊索瘤 2例 ,骨转移瘤 1 0例 ;类骨肿瘤 7例 ,其中纤维异样增殖症 2例 ,骨囊肿 2例 ,派杰氏病 3例 ;椎体血管瘤1例 ,以及骨质疏松症患者 (包括椎体性压缩骨折 ) 1 8例。患者均主诉有患病部位不同程度的疼痛。结果 经博宁治疗 ,有效缓解 2 6例 ,总有效缓解率为 68 42 % ;静脉点滴后出现不良反应 2例。 Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of Pamidronate in the treatment of pain caused by bone tumor and osteopathies. Methods From March 2003 to March 2004,there were 38 cases with pains that were due to the following diagnoses:2 cases of chordoma,10 cases of metastatic tumor of bone,7 cases of bone tumor-like disease,2 cases of bone cyst,3 cases of legg-perthes’ disease,1 case of vertebral hemangioma and 18 cases of osteoporoses.All cases were given Pamidronate by iv infusion.Results The obvious pain reliveve was observed in 26cases,the therapeutic effective rate was 68.4% and no evident of side effect was found.Conclusion Pamidronate is a good analgesic in patients with metastatic bone tumor and osteoporosis.
出处 《中国骨肿瘤骨病》 2004年第3期147-149,共3页 Chinse Journal Of Bone Tumor And Bone Disease
关键词 博宁 骨肿瘤 骨病性疼痛 禁忌证 骨溶解 药物治疗 Boning Pamidronate Bone tumor Pain
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